Monday 19 May 2014

How to Lose Weight through right diet in Quick Time & Get Healthier Fit Body

                        Losing weight is not just about eating less and punishing yourself in the gym. Losing weight means you remain healthy as you permanently shed off those extra pounds. In fact, you can shed up to five pounds in just one week. All it takes are daily disciplines and decisions. If you start doing at least four of these disciplines, the chances are much brighter that you will feel lighter the same day next week.

Here are tips on how to lose weight:

  • Drink water. Sports drinks and energy drinks contain more or less 100 calories. These drinks will also dehydrate you. Drinking water is the best slimming drink.
  • Sandwich rolls, spaghetti, white rice and other white grain products are the foods that make you bloat, especially in your belly area. Cut out these types of food. Eat vegetables instead.
  • Another tip on how to lose weight is do cardio workout every day. Any exercise that raises your heart rate is guaranteed to burn up your calories. It is best to do exercise routines that simultaneously stimulate multiple muscles to burn more calories. Try boot camp workouts or mixed martial arts training. Also try the interval trainings where you will do short bursts intense exercise followed by slower workout alternatively.
  • Yes, you are supposed to stick with water, but try drinking coffee one hour before you work out. This will give you an extra energy to burn more calories without you even noticing.
  • The final tip on how to lose weight is add 30 minutes more to your sleep every night whether you sleep 8 hours or just 5 hours a night. This will help you make better food decisions in the morning.


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